Exercise is important to the Mediterranean Diet LifestyleWhat would you do to stop being stressed out, anxious, and depressed?  What would you do to have more energy, think clearer, and get more done during the day?  What would you do to get to your perfect weight and stay there?  How about decrease your risk of diabetes, heart disease, and just about every other major disease in the world?

Would you choose to move more?


Exercise and the Mediterranean Diet Lifestyle

Start incorporating movement into your daily life:  This is somewhat of a cliche that has been way over used, but it just takes a little planning and being aware of what is around you.  Volunteer to help a friend who needs physical help with something.  Let go of the person who mows your lawn and do it yourself.  (you may have a double savings here because you can stop paying for the gym and you won’t have to pay the person who mows the lawn).  Start walking or biking to work.  Take an hour and really think about all the ways you can add movement into your life.  You may be surprised at how easy it is once you get started.

Change how you think and talk about yourself:  If you are fond of calling yourself a “couch potato” or how your injury makes it “impossible” to move or that you hate to exercise you may want to think about changing your language.  Changing your speech is an incredibly powerful change agent.  How about:  “I make it a point to move at least once a day”.  “When I move, it improves my life in almost every way”